Thanks to Photographer/artist Julian Robles

Art and Photography By Julian Robles with Mad Latino Studios!

Keep up with the Craziness

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dear God

Dear God,

I love you, to allow me to have saw the dark side of life so early in life and be able to grow the way I have and see the true glory of the Brighter side. I could NEVER ask for a better gift than a rough child hood. And when I stepped out of the dark into the light you allowed me to be blessed with the individuals in my life that make me so happy. Sylvianne Tuggle, Jeremy E. McDonald, Justin Daniel Duncan, Julian Robles, Justin Deschamps, Steven Garrett and So so many more. I live in Absolute perfection and In my heaven. But I would have never Saw that if it wasn't for the hell I chose to walk through as a child with you blessing. 

Love Zach ( Your light on earth and in heaven)

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